Children’s Week at the Nevada Legislature is scheduled for March 10-13, 2025 in Carson City. The purpose of Children’s Week is to represent Nevada’s children and help strengthen families in areas such as school readiness, children’s physical and mental health, and child safety and security.
For the past seven legislative sessions, more than 100 different non-profit, corporate, philanthropic, and state agencies and organizations have joined together to participate in Children’s Week events aimed at promoting the health, safety and well-being of our children.
The Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy (NICRP) at UNLV and the Children’s Advocacy Alliance invite all families, community partners, business leaders and advocates to join in this year’s events. Each day will focus on issues that are important to Nevada’s children and families:
Free Bus for Families from Las Vegas to Carson City!
NICRP is providing limited, free bus transportation from Las Vegas to Carson City for interested families. By riding the bus to Carson City, you will have a chance to participate in Children’s Day activities on Monday, March 10.
The bus departs from Las Vegas at 9:30am on Sunday, March 9th, and returns to Las Vegas on Monday, March 10th between 11:00 pm and 1:00am. There are a limited number of free hotel rooms for participating families on Sunday night in Carson City. Food and snacks will also be provided.
Space is limited, so register early to reserve your seats: Click here to register for the bus!
How to Get Involved:
Families are encouraged to attend Children’s Week. Activities will be available for children of all ages, including the annual “Teddy Bear Parade” on Monday, March 10. Whether or not you are able to attend in person, you can also share your story on the Children’s Week website to let our state legislators know what issues are important to you.
Click here to learn more about Children’s Week and how to share your story.
Individuals or organizations wishing to participate in 2025 Children’s Week activities are encouraged to register for the event. Click here to register.
To learn more about Children’s Week, visit the website at https://nic.unlv.edu/childrens-week/.
To learn more about what issues impacting children will be heard during the 2025 Nevada Legislative Session, check out these bill trackers:
Families are a child's first teachers, and everyday activities are rich with learning opportunities. The new First 5 Nevada Activity Corner series includes activities to help you incorporate items in your home, like stacking cups or sorting socks, into valuable learning opportunities for your child!
March marks Reading Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of reading and literacy for young children. For families in Nevada, this is an especially meaningful month as there are numerous local events, resources and initiatives that help promote early literacy.
As parents, we want the best for our children and their growth. From the moment they are born, we observe their every milestone with excitement. Developmental screenings play an essential role in ensuring that your child is progressing in all areas of development. Learn more about these important tools!