We are excited to announce that the Nevada Early Childhood Family Leadership Council is now the First 5 Nevada Family Leadership Council (F5N FLC)! This partnership helps to serve the mission of First 5 Nevada to ensure all families in Nevada have access to the programs and services that meet their needs.
Family leaders are essential to improving early childhood programs and services. The F5N FLC supports families in gaining the skills, supports, and resources they need to be effective leaders.
Family Leadership Councils originally started in Southern Nevada in 2022 and expanded to Northern Nevada in 2023. Family leaders can join regular meetings either virtually or in-person.
Training opportunities for Family Leaders include: Storytelling, Public Speaking, Advocacy 101, The Legislative Process, Open Meeting Law, Nevada’s Early Childhood System, and more!
Family Leadership Councils:
Through this rebranding the F5N FLC will be able to reach more families and caregivers, creating more opportunities for families throughout the State of Nevada to get involved.
Participants also will have opportunities to serve as First 5 Nevada Ambassadors, helping to reach more families through community outreach and engagement activities.
Family leaders will also help shape improvements and innovations to First 5 Nevada, and the broader early childhood system, to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all families in Nevada.
Click here to learn more about the First 5 Nevada Leadership Council, including how to join!
The Federal Poverty Guidelines, commonly known as the Federal Poverty Level or FPL, are used to determine eligibility for many programs and services. Read more about the changes and how they may help more families get access to the programs and services they need.
First 5 Nevada and The Children’s Cabinet have developed a checklist to help families identify what child care, preschool, and other early learning programs may be available. Use the checklist to see which programs you may qualify for!
Children’s Week at the Nevada Legislature was created to have a week dedicated to advocating for Nevada’s children. Families, community partners, and advocates are encouraged to participate to fill the halls of the State Capital and speak up for families!