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Parent Spotlight: Guadalupe Gonzalez Naranjo

Guadalupe, thank you for participating today. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.

I am 35 years of age and a mother of three boys, ages nine, seven, and four. As a housewife, I dedicate my time to caring for them. My youngest has been diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome, and navigating this journey has been both challenging and rewarding.

What led you to join the Nevada Early Childhood Family Leadership Council? 

I am currently participating in both a family group and the First 5 program.

The need to support my four-year-old son drives me forward. He has a syndrome called DiGeorge, and I am committed to educating myself to help him and ensure that, day by day, he enjoys a better quality of life

Can you tell us a little about your journey into parent leadership and advocacy?

Learning about resources, programs, and services has been a great help for me. Feeling supported and knowing that there are other parents in similar situations is encouraging and gives me a bit of hope.

What are the benefits of joining a parent group? 

The most important thing is to educate ourselves so that we can advocate for our children and gain the wisdom to help and inform other parents.

What advice would you give to other parents or family members that are interested in getting involved in leadership or decision-making roles to support early childhood programs and services?

To all the parents who are considering joining or are just now hearing about the leadership group: Don’t hesitate to get involved and participate as a leader. It's an opportunity not only to gain the tools to support your own children but also to come together with other parents and help those in similar situations.

Have you experienced any barriers to accessing programs or services for your children?

With DiGeorge syndrome, as in the case of my four-year-old son, it can be very difficult to find a doctor who provides the proper care. Many assume certain issues are 'normal' because he has special needs, or it's challenging to find the right specialist. Thanks to being part of this parent leadership group, I’ve learned that I have the right to ask doctors for more tests and to explore what else can help improve my son’s well-being.

What changes do you think need to be made to improve Nevada’s early childhood system? 

Since we couldn't find a specialist in our city or state, we've had to take our son to another state, like Utah, to get the care he needs. This has required a lot of time, completing paperwork for assistance with transportation and housing from Reno to Utah, and finding someone to help care for my other children.

These are just a few of the many barriers and obstacles I've encountered along the way, but the list is long.

Have you ever been involved in any advocacy related to children’s issues (working to improve laws or policies)?

I am not actively working to improve laws or policies, but I would love to learn more about it. If one day my voice and vote can make a difference, I will be ready to act.

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