
Child Care and Early Education

A light-skinned woman giving a double high five to a young girl who is jumping in the air. They are wearing matching blue jean outfits.

90% of brain development occurs in a child’s first five years. Quality early childhood education and care during this time is proven to help children have the most positive outcomes as they develop the social, emotional, and cognitive skills they need to succeed.

From financial assistance to help you pay for child care, to programs that will get your child ready for kindergarten and beyond, find the services and programs your family needs.

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Toddler boy wearing yellow long-sleeved shirt, sits on bed setting while reading a children's book.

March marks Reading Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of reading and literacy for young children. For families in Nevada, this is an especially meaningful month as there are numerous local events, resources and initiatives that help promote early literacy.

Young women and man sit with toddler on the floor, while all looking at a laptop computer screen. Cozy indoor setting.

During the toddler years (12 to 35 months), children’s language development grows rapidly. Toddlers gain the ability to say words clearly, combine words into phrases, and express their needs and wants. Learn more about how you can support your little one here!

7 colored toddler sized socks hanging on a clothes line indoors.

Families are a child's first teachers, and everyday activities are rich with learning opportunities. The new First 5 Nevada Activity Corner series includes activities to help you incorporate items in your home, like stacking cups or sorting socks, into valuable learning opportunities for your child!

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