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Child Care and Early Education

Early Head Start - Sunrise Children’s Foundation (Clark & Nye)

Head Start and Early Head Start are federally funded programs that promote the school readiness of young children from low-income families. Early Head Start typically serves pregnant women and children from birth to age three. Head Start serves children aged three to five years old. Both programs emphasize a holistic approach, considering not only the educational needs of children but also their health, nutrition, and family support to ensure a well-rounded foundation for learning and growth. Sunrise Children’s Foundation’s Early Head Start program offers comprehensive child development and family support services to low-income and underserved populations including expecting mothers, infants, toddlers and their families. In addition to Early Head Start, Sunrise Children’s Foundation offers Nevada Ready PreK (for ages 3 to 5), a Home-Visiting Program and WIC services.

The Early Head Start learning centers for children age 0-3 focus on:

  • promoting infant and toddler health and development
  • fostering positive family relationships
  • supporting parents as the primary decision makers and nurturers of their children

NOTE: This program has limited funding and space - please reach out to the program for availability.

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Pregnant women and/or child ages 0-3 years

Eligible individuals must meet one or more of the priority population definitions:

  • Pregnant women who have not attained age 21 OR
  • Have a history of child abuse or neglect or have had interactions with child welfare services OR
  • Have a history of substance abuse or need substance abuse treatment OR
  • Have users of tobacco products in the home OR
  • Have, or have had children with low student achievement OR
  • Have children with developmental delays or disabilities OR
  • Are in families including individuals serving or formerly serving in the armed forces


Clark and Nye Counties

To apply for Home Visiting Services click here.

Phone: 702-631-7130

See what you qualify for

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