Home Visiting is a program that serves expectant mothers and families with children up through kindergarten entry. The aim is to teach parents appropriate ways to interact with their children, learn about how a child develops, and gain parenting skills and techniques to help them prepare their child for kindergarten. In addition to this, the program checks to see if families need other resources, assists with goal setting, and screens for domestic violence, depression, and substance abuse. Children are screened regularly to ensure they are developing well, both physically and in social/emotional ways. If needed, referrals are made for any of those resources. Home Visitors are provided with a resource directory and taught to follow up on referrals and assist families with getting referrals and making appointments when necessary. Breastfeeding is encouraged and supported and agencies serving families with infants have Certified Lactation Educators on staff.
There are several types of home-visiting programs in Nevada including Early Head Start, Home Instructions for Parents of Youngsters (HIPPY), Nurse Family Partnership, and Parents as Teachers. See the list of programs below for more information on each of these programs.
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Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) – Sunrise Children’s Foundation (Clark and Nye)
HIPPY is a home-visiting, early intervention program for families with children ages 2 to 5 years old.
Home-Visiting Program - Sunrise Children’s Foundation (Clark & Nye)
These programs aim to help and guide families in improving pregnancy outcomes, child education, health and development, and familial self-sufficiency.
Parents as Teachers – Yerington Paiute Tribe (Lyon)
Yerington Paiute Tribe offers Parents as Teachers home-visiting program for tribal members with children ages 0 to 5 years old.
Parents as Teachers – The Children’s Cabinet (Washoe & Elko)
The Children’s Cabinet offers Parents as Teachers home-visiting program to families with children ages 0 to 5 years old.
Healthy Start - Southern Nevada Health District (Clark)
The Healthy Start Program is a free and voluntary home visiting program for pregnant mothers and/or mothers who have children younger than 12 months old in Clark County.
Home-Visiting Program - University of Nevada Reno (Washoe)
These programs aim to help and guide families in improving pregnancy outcomes, child education, health and development, and familial self-sufficiency.
Nurse Family Partnership – Southern Nevada Health District (Clark & Nye)
Nurse Family Partnership provides home-visiting services for families who are in the first 28 weeks of their first pregnancy.
Parents as Teachers – Lyon County Human Services
Lyon County Human Services offers Parents as Teachers home-visiting program to families with children ages 0 to 5 years old.
Parents as Teachers – Community Chest, Inc. (Carson City, Lyon, Douglas, Storey, Mineral, and Churchill)
Community Chest offers Parents as Teachers home-visiting program to families with children ages 0 to 5 years old.