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Parenting and Family Support

Baby's Bounty Diapers for Diplomas

The Diapers for Diplomas Program is an initiative to help parenting students attend or return to higher education to gain new skills, complete a degree or credential, have opportunities for meaningful, long-term career choices and advance in the workplace. Completing a college degree or certificate is one of the primary pathways to economic success but money is often a barrier to the completion of this. 78% of parenting students cited family responsibilities/finances as the number one challenge in pursuing their degree. Through this program, qualifying parenting students will receive 200 diapers per month for a full academic year, thereby eliminating one more barrier to higher education.

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Child or children who require diapers


Parent/guardian currently enrolled part-time or full-time student at a NV System of Higher Education (NSHE) institution




Complete the online registration form at

See what you qualify for

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