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Parenting and Family Support

Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) - New Employees Of Nevada (NEON)

The purpose of the TANF program is to provide temporary assistance for the care of dependent children in their own homes or the homes of relatives by furnishing financial assistance. NEON is Nevada's employment and training program whose purpose is to reduce or eliminate dependency on public assistance by providing employment services, education, training, and support services to TANF NEON recipients.

NEON participation is mandatory for most cases with a work-eligible individual in the home. Single parents with a child under a year of age may be exempt up to 3 months per child, for a maximum of 12 months in a lifetime. A parent who is required in the home to provide care for an ill or incapacitated family member may qualify for an exemption. Exempt parents have the option to voluntarily participate in the program.

Support services available to NEON participants include child care, transportation, work-related clothing, and other work-related items necessary for training or employment. These may include tools, uniforms, shoes, work permits, health cards, ID, physicals, etc. Participants may also receive family counseling, family planning counseling, health referrals, job placement referrals, etc.

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Parents/Caregiver of child under the age of 18 or age 18-19 in school

Household income at or below 130% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

Apply online with ACCESS NV.

Apply in person by visiting a local Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Office. Visit for a complete list of office locations and hours of operation.

See what you qualify for

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