
Special Needs and Early Intervention

Young light-skinned, dark-haired boy with a green shirt with light stripes, high fiving a light-skinned, brown-haired woman wearing a white shirt and jeans, with colorful toy building blocks around.

Children develop at their own pace. From crawling, to walking and speaking, sometimes delays are perfectly normal. Other times, a child may need extra help. When they do, early intervention can help a child catch up, while providing the best outcomes in future years.

From finding the best resources to determine if your child is on track, to getting them the help they need if there is a developmental delay, we can help.

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Special Needs and Early InterventionTop Stories

Baby boy lays on ground staring to the side, in an outdoor park setting

Children’s well-being can be deeply affected by difficult experiences they face in their early years. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) include abuse, neglect and other household challenges. Learn more about recent data in Nevada and what you can do to support your children.

Young blonde toddler wearing white shirt with flowers, playing at table full of colorful toys.

As parents, we want the best for our children and their growth. From the moment they are born, we observe their every milestone with excitement. Developmental screenings play an essential role in ensuring that your child is progressing in all areas of development. Learn more about these important tools!

Young boy in orange shirt plays with toy stethoscope

First 5 Nevada is hosting a FREE Early Childhood Screening and Connection event to provide no-cost screenings – health, developmental, behavioral – and provide on-site referral to programs and services for families with young children. We’ll also have fun activities for children and families, with free give-aways and crafts.

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